About Us

About us

"Physiotherapy" means a branch of modern medical science which includes examination, assessment, screening, interpretation, physical diagnosis, investigation, planning and execution of treatment and advice to any person for the purpose of preventing, correcting, alleviating and limiting dysfunction, acute and chronic bodily malfunction including life saving measures via chest physiotherapy in the intensive care units, curing physical disorders or disability promoting physical fitness, facilitating healing and pain relief and treatment of physical and psychosomatic disorders through modulating physiological and physical response using physical agents, activities and devices including exercises, mobilisation, manipulations, therapeutic ultrasound, laser, electrical and thermal agents and electrotherapy for diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Physiotherapy is an important part of modern health care system. Patient treatment done by a physiotherapist only by physical means such as ultrasound therapy, heat, laser and exercises. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation done by a physiotherapist in Polio hospitals, leprosy unit hospitals, T.B. hospitals, districts hospitals. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation done independently by a Physiotherapist in many hospitals ICU for admitted patients as well as physically/mentally challenged patients. Orthopaedic problems, Leprosy, T.B, Polio, Stroke, and many other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) treatments done by Physiotherapy. One can not imagine an ICU set up in a hospital without a Physiotherapist. Physiotherapy education requires a 4 ½ years of study for bachelor degree and 02 years study for masters degree in many specialization like :-
1. Orthopedic Physiotherapy ,
2. Neurological Physiotherapy(Stroke),
3.Cardio-pulmonary Physiotherapy (ICU),
4. Sports Physiotherapy,
5. Gynecological Physiotherapy,
6. Urological Physiotherapy,
7. Community Based Physiotherapy,
8. Hand Physiotherapy,
9. Pediatric Physiotherapy,
10. Geriatric Physiotherapy.
There is no any regulatory body to regulate physiotherapy profession in the state. Therefore:- An Act to provide for the establishment of the Jharkhand Council for the purpose of coordination and determination of standards of education and of practice in the field of physiotherapy, and for the maintenance of a register of physiotherapists and to curb the fake physiotherapy clinics/centres and physiotherapists in the state, and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.